Tuesday 25 February 2014

Publishers for Children's Books

You can’t get published without an agent, and you can’t get an agent without being published – or so the adage goes.
Thankfully, there are still a few children’s book publishers who are happy to wade through the ‘slush pile’, that teetering tower of manuscripts we imagine fill up a corner of the office, each one representing an agent-less writer who is hoping against hope that they might be plucked from obscurity.
So in the spirit of writerly comradeship here is my current list of writer-friendly children’s fiction publishers in the UK who still accept unsolicited manuscripts.  Check their website guidelines and submit away, but please do correct me if I’ve made any errors or incorrect assumptions.
NB   Where there is a link, I have endeavoured to take you, the linkee, to the submissions guidelines page of the publisher’s website; where that is not possible I have linked to the main website page.
Anderson Press publish picture books of approximately 500 words (1K max), juvenile fiction of 3-5K and older fiction of up to 75K.  They require a synopsis and 3 sample chapters, hard copy only, and aim to reply within 2 months.  They use a standard rejection slip and reply promptly.
Bridge House is a small press which specialises in themed anthologies of short stories, often for charity.  They are currently closed to submissions but check the website for future anthology details.  May be unsuitable for ‘darker’ material.
An imprint of Michael O’Mara Books, Buster Books publish children’s non-fiction and activity books as well as a small range of fiction.  Submission details are sparse so try the usual three chapters plus synopsis and covering letter/email.  You can submit by post or by email and they ask you to include an envelope if you would like your paper manuscript returned, but they can’t guarantee a response.  Again, probably best to assume the usual procedure and submit elsewhere after three months if you haven’t heard back.
Candy Jar are a small independent publisher with a self publishing arm.  They are looking for children’s fiction for all ages.  Send the first three chapters, synopsis and covering letter by post or using the form provided on the submissions page.  Response time isn’t mentioned.
Child’s Play specialise in quality picture books for age 0-8, sometimes combined with games and toys, for example to make up the popular Story Sacks.  They have companies in the US and Australia.  You should submit by post only with the full text (note length recommendation of max 1,500 words).  Enclose an SAE or indicate that you would like a reply by email.  Note that they recommend simultaneous submissions (sending off to more than one publisher), and that they do not require illustrations with the text.
A new venture publishing picture books on the iTunes platform.  Very early days but could be a chance to make your mark on a newly growing market.  Words only but artists can submit their portfolios.
A new publisher who will be releasing their first titles in Spring 2013, Curious Fox are looking for “bold, fun and imaginative” fiction for age 8 upwards, by email submission.  They are also intererested in incorporating innovative approaches such as reader-generated plot turns and delivering content through websites.  Send a synopsis, the first chapter and a covering letter by email only.  They aim to respond within 2 months (I heard back after 10 weeks which is pretty close!).
David Fickling Books publish picture books, and fiction for 5-8 years, 9-12 years, teens and young adults.  They require the first three chapters by post only, and aim to reply within 3 months if they are interested.  If you don’t hear back by then, you have not been successful.
This Scottish publisher accepts postal submissions for its Picture Kelpies, and Kelpies range of books for 6-9 and 8-12 year olds.  Books should be between 30 and 60K words.  Note: only approach if you are a Scottish writer or your book has a Scottish setting and/or theme.
Thank you to one of my readers for suggesting this publishing company to add to my list; they publish picture books, young fiction (6-9 years) and novels (9-14 years) and are looking for exceptional writing that really stands out.   You can email submissions as long as they are below 2MB in size.
This small publisher specialises in picture books for up to age 10, but also accepts young adult (and non fiction).  Send your manuscript by post or email – full text for picture books, first three chapters and synopsis for young adult.  Paper submissions will not be returned so just include an SAE or email address for a reply.  View the catalogue on the site to get an idea of what they publish.
Little Tiger Press publish picture and novelty books up to 750 words for readers up to age 7.  Submissions should be sent by post only, and they offer some useful tips on their submissions page.  They aim to reply within 3 months.
Mantra Lingua is a very specialised publisher providing multilingual and multicultural resources.  They accept picture books for up to age 12 that can be translated into a number of languages – this means the concept and theme needs to be universal too.  Read the submissions guidelines carefully and look at the current titles before proceeding.  Submit by email only.  As the maximum length is 1400 I should think the full text will be acceptable.
Maverick publish a range of lively and colourful picture books.  They are looking for quirky, interesting reads with strong storylines.  As a guide, their books are usually 32 pages long and no longer than 1,200 words and they prefer text only, not illustrations.  Unlike some picture book publishers they do accept stories in rhyme.  Email submissions are preferred as pdf or Word attachments together with a covering letter or email, but you can also submit by post.
Mogzilla are an emerging independent publishing company with educational links, specialising in pre-teen and teenage fiction from 45-75K long.  They ask for proposals to be emailed and they will then request the manuscript if they are interested, either by post or in pdf form.  They do not return paper manuscripts.  You should also avoid sending

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